Featured E-Services

Ecommerce is an online store to enable public to purchase and obtain land survey related product

A system for registered users to access various geometrical cadastral-related information.

Quit Rent Enquiry
A system for the public to check outstanding of Quit Rent.

Land Acquisition Enquiry
A system for the public to check Government Land acquisition status..

Land Development
A system for the Land Owners to apply Land Development related dealings.

Info PT
A system for the public to check Land Application status
News & Activities
Sesi Libat Urus Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur
Sesi Libat Urus Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur bersama Pasukan Sekretariat Sabah Maju Jaya ( SMJ) yang diketuai oleh Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri, Tuan Ramlee Hj Kariah.
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